Our central nervous system is nourished by cerebrospinal fluid that circulates between the cranium + sacrum, creating a rhythm. Things like acute/ongoing stress, trauma, falls, surgery, orthodontics, infections, car accidents + sports injuries can cause lasting tensions that impact this craniosacral rhythm and in turn, the central nervous system, which informs all that we think, feel and do. CST is a light-touch therapy that effectively addresses deeply held tension + initiates self-correcting change in the body.
As a result, you may notice a sense of calm, and improved digestion, sleep + range of motion. CST is especially supportive for chronic pain/fatigue, migraines, brain/spinal cord injuries, anxiety, PTSD, lyme, hypertonia, scoliosis, arthritis and more. It’s a wonderful addition to other therapies, prenatal/postpartum care (for parents + babies), pre-/post-op care, and palliative/hospice care—onsite visits may be possible (reach out). Sessions take place on a treatment table in comfortable clothing.
CST is a gentle in-road to those places we may not be able to access with words, an opportunity for your nervous system + whole body to express, release, relearn and reorganize. What I specialize in is attuning to your body and helping connect you to whatever might be needed to facilitate change, motion, and healing.
Every session supports whatever is showing up in the moment.
The network of tissues, bones + fluid in synchronous movement to nourish the central nervous system with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This includes the intricate system of ventricles + sinuses within the brain where CSF is produced, distributed + reabsorbed, the meningeal membranes that surround brain + spinal cord, the bones that these membranes attach to (cranial bones, vertebrae, sacrum) and affect (paired bones like hips), and the fascia that weaves it all together. The craniosacral system is sustained by the reciprocal tension mechanism between cranium + sacrum, linked by the dural tube—motion from one influences the other, and the subtle rocking back + forth is the rhythm we assess.
CST follows the natural progression of this primary system, mobilizing restrictions along the way so its structures are free to follow their inherent movement. At the innermost part of the cranium is the sphenoid bone. Easing constraints around this keystone bone with CST, the liberated sphenoid invites the whole system to function optimally.
Just like our heartbeat, the craniosacral rhythm (CSR) can be felt and assessed from various places. Similar to a pendulum’s swing, the CSR can be felt most clearly at the heels, so I begin there. Based on what you + I notice, I may then place my hands at paired bones (thighs, hips, shoulders), sacrum, spine, and head (cranial + facial bones/sutures).
In the webbed network of fascia, tension patterns are common at the horizontal planes (pelvic + respiratory diaphragms, thoracic inlet, hyoid + occipital cranial base). Restrictions there can impede flow of the body’s essential waters like locks along a waterway. Making contact with the restricted tissues at 5 grams of pressure, I notice + follow the first motion, gently hold + wait for change. Stillpoints (pauses in the rhythm) may be gently induced or happen spontaneously throughout a session and something of significance may come into your awareness. A release may occur when a holding pattern shifts, opens, lets go.
Physical/emotional experiences can leave a lasting impression in our tissues, with residual inertia stored in the body like a boulder in a stream. When untended or combined with new stresses, we may notice increasing discomforts + unease. CST helps locate the “boulders” and support the body as it’s ready to metabolize some of what’s stored. The surrounding tissues can then soften, relax, realign. Common signs of change along the way are belly gurgling, heat emanating, eyes + muscles twitching, verbal or emotional expression, shifts in respiratory + heart rate, energetic motion.
CST can help reestablish an interrupted connection with the body’s own wisdom and cellular memory. Facilitating with caring, attentive listening + inquiry and allowing the process to unfold as it’s ready, obstructions dissipate, the system may find a path of less resistance, and the body can move forward with more ease.
It’s an opportunity to explore the emotional aspects and corresponding body response of life experiences/events that were not fully resolved or expressed. There may be residual emotion/ inertia retained in our tissues, which may remain contracted or braced. CST supports the body + nervous system as it’s ready to discharge/digest what’s no longer needed, and with that may come weeping, shaking, body movement, moments of clarity… Though accessing + integrating stored emotion may be intense + painful, this work is founded upon a belief in an inner knowing within us that will bring up in a session only as much as we’re ready to process.
There is a long history of healing through cranial work in India, Egypt and Peru since 2000 B.C. Modern CST descends from indigenous healing traditions of the Shawnee people, whose cranial, energetic + narrative healing work informed Dr. A.T. Still’s development of osteopathy in the mid-1800s, which led to W.G. Sutherland’s advancement of cranial osteopathy in the 1940s, followed in the 1970s by J.E. Upledger, who broadened “CranioSacral Therapy” beyond the medical field.
CST should not be used with any conditions that might be impacted by intracranial pressure change including: acute stroke, cerebral aneurysm or hemorrhage, and epidural or lumbar puncture (spinal tap). Extra caution should be taken with Chiari malformation, brain tumors, and any recent injury to the brain, cranial bones, vertebrae, or ribs.
Combining manual therapies with CST can help tend to acute injuries or long-held tensions in the body. Fascia is the network of membranous tissue that envelops our cells, vessels, organs, bones, muscles—all of our structures + systems are interconnected and like a continuous web, a snag in one place can affect the entire network. Slow pressure, friction + stretching allow adhesions, trigger points and spasms to release and the larger web to realign. Lymphatic + myofascial techniques encourage movement that supports immune + circulatory systems, muscle + connective tissue, and stress + pain responses. Combined with CST, sessions take place on a treatment table in comfortable clothing. We can discuss options and create a plan that works for you.